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Rellena los huecos con las palabras en la forma correcta.

a) Last year I acted in the school........ I was Hamlet

b)I never arrive school. I'm always on time

c) Mark didn't have any homework last week because he went on a school ........... to london

d) Sally went to a party last night so she copied her friend's................. on the bus this morning

e)Last year Nigel failed his..................

f) My teacher was very angry this morning because I fell......... during class. g) My father didn't like going to school an he often played............

Sagot :

a) Last year I acted in the school play. I was Hamlet


b)I never arrive late at school. I'm always on time


c) Mark didn't have any homework last week because he went on a school trip to london


d) Sally went to a party last night so she copied her friend's homework on the bus this morning


e)Last year Nigel failed his exam.


f) My teacher was very angry this morning because I fell asleep during class.


g) My father didn't like going to school an he often played truant.


a) Last year I acted in the school play. I was Hamlet


b)I never arrive late at school. I'm always on time


c) Mark didn't have any homework last week because he went on a school trip to london


d) Sally went to a party last night so she copied her friend's homework on the bus this morning


e)Last year Nigel failed his exam.


f) My teacher was very angry this morning because I fell asleep during class.


g) My father didn't like going to school an he often played truant.